Azul Airpass is Here
Finally Azul Airpass has introduced its Brazil Airpass for travel inside Brazil with an incredible offer.
Fly UNLIMITED inside Brazil for 21 days, anywhere Azul Airlines flies, for ONLY U$399 with all taxes included.
To Purchase the AZUL Airpass you MUST fly to Brazil on Azul Airlines or United Airlines flights

Azul Brazil Air Pass
Talk simple, attractive and Fun! This is the Azul Brazil Air Pass. Azul wants you to go and experience Brazil, the whole country, as much as you can and want.
That is why Azul created this unique opportunity to give you the chance to fly within Brazil unlimited. You don’t have to pick anymore, no worries about letting go or missing that special place. With Azul you have more, always!
Here is how it works
You fly international to Brazil using Azul Airlines and then you have 21 days to enjoy any flights to any destination within the country. Unlimited stopovers and connections for USD399.00 taxes included.
This is the time to fly to Brazil, with Azul Airlines.
Check the Air Pass Rules and regulations:
1-Travel from 10/08/2015 to 30/11/2015;
2-Ticket processing Fee applies;
3-Mandatory purchase international round trip ticket Azul (*M and N fares type not eligible to purchase the pass);
4-Airpass not eligible to accumulate points in the Azul program;
5– Black out–holidays not valid for travel on:04-05 SEP 15, 07-08 SEP 15, 09-10 OCT 15, 12-13 OCT 15, 02-03 NOV 15, 18-19-20 NOV 15, 22-23 NOV 15;
6–Mandatory booking class U applies and subject to availability;
7-valid for travel on/after 01aug15 and on/before 30nov15;
8-Subject to change without notice;
9-maximum stay 21 days from the first arriving date in Brazil, no minimum applies;
10– Infant without seat pays 10% of adult, Children pay the same as adult;
11– All segments of the trip must be confirmed before departure;
12– non endorsable/nontransferable;
13– CHANGES: rebooking or rerouting permitted free of charge for difference in fares or penalty fees, SERVICE FEE FORCHANGES APPLY;
14– cancellation/refund: after departure or partially used is fully nonrefundable, Before departure refundable with penalty USD150.00 PLUS PRIOCESSING FEE;
15-Baggage allowance will be the same as covered by Azul in the international flights.