Brasilia Airport hosts drive-in film festival

With passenger flow reduced by the COVID-19 pandemic, Brasília Airport will use its facilities differently, at least temporarily. While the routine does not return to normal, Inframérica, the terminal administrator, will give space to the Drive-In Festival, which takes place between June 23 and August 15. The event does not interfere with air operations. It offers a 220 square meter LED super screen installed in pocket B of the parking lot, showing films, of different genres, for all audiences and ages, always inside cars.
Each session will hold up to 200 vehicles, meeting all the rules and protocols for social distance and hygiene, necessary for the moment of confronting the pandemic.
The festival will also feature a cultural program with attractions ranging from the Brasília Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by maestro Thiago Francis, to national Stand Up Comedy sessions.
“Brasília Airport has always been a reference for meetings and activities, such as the street race held last year and aeronautical photography events. After almost three months in quarantine, the Drive-In Festival will bring a leisure option to Brasilians in this period of social isolation, following the guidelines of the health agencies “, informs the Inframérica commercial department.
The event’s producer expects that around 40 thousand people will pass through the festival during the 60 days of the event.
The Drive-In Festival will always operate from Tuesday to Sunday and also holidays, and the complete program is available on social networks and the event website ( On Wednesdays, classic cinema films will be played. On weekends, there will be children’s sessions.
Ticket sales started on June 15 on the website and the mobile app (sympla). Entrance costs from R$ 60 per car, by donating a kilo of non-perishable food or clothing. Part of the ticket sales will go to the purchase of technological devices for students from the public school system in the Federal District.